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1.From the perspective of agile project manager, at which stage of the software development process should developers implement quality control?
- A. It goes on and on throughout the process
- B. After a sprint
- C. After the review meeting
- D. Before submitting the presentation
- A、在整个过程持续不断
- B、在一个 Sprint 完成后
- C、在回顾会之后
- D、在提交演示之前
2.Customer requests to add a new high priority feature to the product. The scope of this function is wide and initial requirements have been documented. The product owner gives the highest priority to the matter. What should we do next?
- A. Have a subject matter expert (SME) fully refine this function into a user story that can be implemented by the team
- B. Ask the product owner to refine the function into user stories that can be easily estimated and put into an iteration
- C. Have the product owner assign the implementation of this function directly to the team, because it has the highest priority
- D. Let the team refine the function into user stories and implement the product
- A、让一名主题专家(SME)将该功能完全细化为可由团队实现的用户故事
- B、让产品负责人将该功能细化为可易于估算的用户故事并放入一次迭代
- C、让产品负责人将该功能的实现直接分配给团队,因为它具有最高优先级
- D、让团队将该功能细化为用户故事,并实现产品
3.There is an agile team member who is both a domain expert and a user agent for the product. After delivery of the test product, the customer Several product issues were reported. Which of the following roles should be designated as user agents?
- A. Business Analyst
- B. Development Manager
- C. Marketing Group
- D. Product Manager
- A、业务分析师
- B、开发经理
- C、市场营销组
- D、产品经理
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