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    • 香港PMP培训班|模拟练习题1

  • 发布时间:2019-08-28 16:18:50  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特香港PMP培训班远程在线模拟试题分享


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    1. John, a project manager for Code Crashers, Inc., has a project with a group of inexperienced programmers that will develop a software package that creates Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for a chemical company. This situation strongly resembles a project his colleague, Peter, worked on in 2006. If John needs to come up with a rough order of magnitude estimate, what tool or technique should he use? 

    A. Parametric Estimating 

    B. Bottom Up Estimating 

    C. Three-point estimate 

    D. Analogous Estimating 

    1. 约翰是CC公司的项目经理,他和一群没有经验的程序员一起开发了一个软件程序包,该程序是为一家化学公司创建了材料安全数据表(MSDS)。这种情况很像他的同事彼得在2006年做的一个项目。如果约翰需要提出一个粗略的数量级估算,他应该使用什么工具或技术?

    A. 参数估算

    B. 自下而上估算

    C. 三点估算

    D. 类比估算


    2. Andy is currently working for ABC Contractors as a quality control manager for a railway track construction project. National Railways awarded this cost-plus construction contract to ABC Contractors a few months ago. As a contractual requirement, ABC Contractors has to submit each completed deliverable for client acceptance. Reviewing project data, Andy found that the current submission rejection rate is 22 percent. He conducts a root cause analysis and submits his findings along with construction process s improvement recommendations to the project director. In this scenario, Andy’s report is an example of: 

    A. Work performance data 

    B. Raw observations 

    C. Work performance information 

    D. Work control report 

    2. 安迪目前正在为ABC的承包商工作,作为一个铁路轨道建设项目的质量控制经理。几个月前,国家铁路公司将这一成本加成的建筑合同授予了ABC承包商。作为合同要求,ABC承包商必须提交每一份完成的交付成果供客户验收。回顾项目数据,安迪发现当前的提交拒绝率为22%。他进行了一个根本原因分析,并将他的发现和施工过程改进建议提交给项目主管。在这种情况下,安迪的报告就像是以下哪种例子:

    A. 工作绩效数据

    B. 原始观测

    C. 工作绩效信息

    D. 工作绩效报告


    3. Nancy has recently become the project manager for a project already in execution. Nancy has learned the previous project manager did a good job so far and religiously followed the PMBOK guiding principles. However, some of the project communications don’t make sense to her. Which of the project artifacts should Nancy refer to in order to determine reasons for distribution of some reports? 

    A. Stakeholder engagement plan and the scope management plan 

    B. Stakeholder engagement plan and the communications management plan 

    C. Scope management plan and the communications management plan 

    D. Scope management plan and the risk management plan 

    3. 南希最近成为了一个已经在执行项目的项目经理。南希了解到之前的项目经理做得很好,并且认真的遵循了PMBOK指导原则。然而,一些项目沟通对她来说毫无意义。为了确定一些报告分布的原因,南希应该参考哪些项目文件?

    A. 相关方参与计划和范围管理计划

    B. 相关方参与计划和沟通管理计划

    C. 范围管理计划和沟通管理计划

    D. 范围管理计划和风险管理计划



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