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1、When_____ "Me too " The new product works best
- A . When the market is growing rapidly
- B . Less competition
- C . Big enough competition market
- D . All of the above
[单选题] 当_____的时候,“me too" 新产品效果最好
- A.市场快速增长时
- B.竞争较小时
- C.足够大的竞争市场
- D.以上都是
2、 Which type of strategy of miles and snow describes a company that explicitly claims to own a product and will protect it by means that may not include the development of new products, services or programs
- A. Analyst
- B. Defender
- C. People who respond
- D. Explorers
[单选题]Miles 和 Snow的哪种战略类型描述了一个公司明确地声明拥有某种产品,并会通过可能不包括开发新产品、服务或程序的手段来保护它
- A.分析者
- B.防御者
- C.做出反应的人
- D.勘探者
3、 Which of the following strategies are used by organizations that specialize in niche rather than broad product markets
- A. Cost leadership
- B. Defensive type
- C. Market segmentation
- D. Differentiation
[单选题] 那些专业于小众而不是广泛产品市场的组织采用的是以下哪种战略
- A.成本领先
- B.防御型
- C.市场细分
- D.差异化