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1. Which of the following is Deming’s method for continuous improvement?
A. Plan-Act-Check-Do
B. Plan-Do-Check-Act
C. Check-Plan-Do-Act
D. Plan-Check-Do-Act
1. 下面哪个是Deming的持续改进方法?
A. 计划-处理-检查-实施
B. 计划-实施-检查-处理
C. 检查-计划-实施-处理
D. 计划-检查-实施-处理
2. The on-demand scheduling approach used in agile environments is based on the theory-of-constraints and Pull- based scheduling concepts from lean manufacturing to limit a team’s work in progress. This is also called:
A. 5S
B. Kanban
C. Andon
D. Gemba
2. 敏捷环境中使用的按需进度方法是基于约束的理论和精益生产的进度概念,以限制团队的工作进度。这也被称为:
A. 5S
B. 看板法
C. 安灯
D. 现场
3. Calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted portion of the project is called ( ).
A. Schedule compression
B. An arrow diagram
C. A backward pass
D. A forward pass
3. 计算项目未完成部分的最晚完成日期和最晚开始日期称为 ( )。
A. 计划压缩
B. 箭线图
C. 倒推
D. 顺推