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1.The iteration of an agile team is not smooth. Team members have many questions about the user stories that need to be developed, and the user stories fail. Why do user stories fail?
- A. The user stories discussed in the planning process do not include acceptance criteria
- B. The customer wrote the acceptance criteria
- C. There is no detailed requirement
- D. Acceptance tests are written before developing user stories
- A、在规划过程中讨论的用户故事不包括验收标准
- B、客户写了验收标准
- C、没有详细写明需求
- D、验收测试是在开发用户故事之前写的
2.Why is refactoring important?
- A. It allows teams to improve design and reduce technical debt
- B. It allows the team to change the priority of tasks between iterations
- C. It allows the team to change the scope of the project between iterations
- D. It allows the team to verify that the customer gets the most value
- A、它可让团队改进设计,减少技术债务
- B、它可让团队更改迭代之间任务的优先级
- C、它可让团队更改迭代之间的项目范围
- D、它可让团队验证客户获得最大价值
3.The scrum team is developing complex customer products. The product owner of the team needs to prioritize by customer preference and comparison function. Which method can the team leader use?
- A. Carnot analysis
- B. Plan Poker
- C. Smart goal setting
- D. Delay cost
Scrum 团队正在开发复杂的客户产品。团队的产品负责人需要按着客户的偏好优先级以及比较功能排列优先顺序。团队负责人可以使用哪种方法?
- A、卡诺分析
- B、计划扑克
- C、SMART 目标设定
- D、延迟成本
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