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    • 苏州ACP敏捷管理考试培训模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-19 11:01:43  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是苏州ACP敏捷管理考试培训模拟题,下面是关于苏州ACP敏捷管理培训班的具体内容,供大家参考;更多苏州ACP培训相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.Senior managers hope to predict the future development of the company based on a life-saving product being developed by the agile team. Executives want to be in the next

    Demonstrate the features and functions of the product at a general meeting of shareholders. What should agile management professionals do?

    1. A. Presentation to senior management
    2. B. Invite shareholders to participate in daily station meeting
    3. C. Share, publish and update product roadmap and story map for shareholders
    4. D. Invite top management to participate in daily station meeting


    1. A、向高层管理人员提供演示
    2. B、邀请股东参加每日站会
    3. C、为股东分享、发布和更新产品路线图及故事地图
    4. D、邀请高层管理人员参加每日站会


    2.Team X and team y are both working on the same project. Team X has committed to the next six iterations, while team y only committed to the next three iterations. The project sponsor asked agile management professionals to explain why team y did not commit more iterations Generation. How should agile management professionals respond?

    1. A. Explain that there is no one-to-one comparison between team X and team y
    2. B. Team x must plan three iterations to match team Y's speed
    3. C. Explain that team X has more resources and less dependencies
    4. D. Communicate that senior management is unreasonable

    团队 X 和团队 Y 都在为同一个项目工作。团队 X 已经承诺未来六次迭代的可交付成果,而团队 Y 只承诺未来三次迭代的可交付成果,项目发起人让敏捷管理专业人士解释为什么团队 Y 没有承诺更多的迭代。敏捷管理专业人士应如何回答?

    1. A、解释团队 X 和团队 Y 没有一对一的比较
    2. B、传达团队 x 必须规划三次迭代来匹配团队 Y 的速度
    3. C、解释团队 x 拥有更多的资源以及更少的依赖关系
    4. D、传达高级管理层不讲道理


    3.Agile management professionals realize that having a product owner is a bit hard to understand the iteration speed. What should agile management professionals do to help product owners understand the overall speed of iterations?

    1. A. Invite the product owner to attend the review meeting
    2. B. Provide burn out diagram to the product owner
    3. C. Have the project manager meet with the product owner
    4. D. The product owner is required to wait until the iteration is completed before understanding the iteration speed


    1. A、邀请该产品负责人参加回顾会
    2. B、向该产品负责人提供燃尽图
    3. C、让项目经理与该产品负责人会面
    4. D、要求该产品负责人等到迭代完成后,再开始了解迭代速度



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