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    • 石家庄PMP培训机构|模拟练习题2

  • 发布时间:2019-09-03 16:48:14  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
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    1. Configuration management tool selection should be based on the needs of the project stakeholders including organizational and environmental considerations and/or constraints. Which of the following is not a key configuration management tool for a project? 

    A. Identification and selection of configuration items. 

    B. Recording and reporting of configuration item status. 

    C. Configuration item verification and audit. 

    D. Procedures for accepting and rejecting change requests. 

    1. 配置管理工具的选择应基于项目相关方的需要,包括组织和环境考虑和/或约束。下列哪个不是项目的关键配置管理工具?

    A. 识别和选择配置项

    B. 记录和报告配置项的状态

    C. 配置项的核实与审计

    D. 接受和拒绝变更请求的程序


    2. Nancy is carrying out cost-benefit analysis for a project. If undertaken, the project will start in January next year and end by December. The project will incur a constant cost of $10,000 each month (payable by the end of each month) giving a total cost of $120,000 for the project. The revenue from the project is collected on a quarterly basis. The total revenue for the project by the end of December will be $200,000. The opportunity cost of the project is 12 percent which is the bank interest rate Nancy can get if she does not invest in this project. The total present value of all cash outflows is $112,551, while the total present value of all cash inflow is $185,721. What is the benefit-to-cost ratio for the project? 

    A. 1.67 

    B. 0.6 

    C. 1.65 

    D. 0.61 

    2. 南希正在进行项目的成本效益分析。如果实施,项目将于明年一月开始,十二月结束。这个项目将每月花费10000美元(每个月底支付),项目总费用为120000美元。该项目的收入是按季度收取的。到十二月底,该项目的总收入将达到200000美元。该项目的机会成本是12%,这是南茜银行可以获得的利率,如果她不投资于这个项目。所有现金流出的总现值为112551美元,而所有现金流入的总现值为185721美元。项目的成本效益比是多少?

    A. 1.67 

    B. 0.6 

    C. 1.65 

    D. 0.61


    3. A Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) breaks down the project by type of resources. The RBS is an example of a: 

    A. Linear chart 

    B. Matrix chart 

    C. Flow chart 

    D. Hierarchical chart 

    3. 资源分解结构RBS根据项目资源类型进行分解,RBS是以下哪一种示例:( )?

    A. 线性图

    B. 矩阵图

    C. 流程图

    D. 层级图



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