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1. Mary is currently drafting a stakeholder engagement plan for her new website development project. Her organization has strict communication guidelines. Mary wants to ensure that her stakeholder engagement strategy aligns with the organizational communications guidelines. Where can she find these guidelines?
A. Corporate knowledge base
B. Stakeholder register
C. Project contract
D. Lessons learned library
1. 玛丽目前正在为她的新网站开发项目起草一份相关方参与计划,她的组织有严格的沟通指南。玛丽希望确保她的相关方参与策略与组织沟通指南的方针一致。她在哪里可以找到这些指导方针?
A. 企业知识库
B. 相关方登记册
C. 项目合同
D. 经验教训库
2. As an experienced PMP, you have found that running a WBS meeting is tricky because you need to find a balance between insufficient decomposition and excessive decomposition. When items are excessively decomposed, it leads to all the following except:
A. Breaking the 100 percent rule
B. Inefficient use of resources
C. Nonproductive management effort
D. Decreased efficiency when performing work
2. 作为一名经验丰富的PMP,你已经发现运行WBS会议非常棘手,因为你需要在分解不充分和分解过度之间找到平衡。当项目被过度分解时,它会导致以下哪种情况:
A. 打破100%的规则
B. 资源利用效率低下
C. 非生产性的管理工作
D. 工作时效率降低
3. Which of the following can NOT be used to measure business value?
A. Customer satisfaction
B. Revenue growth
C. Market share
D. Expected monetary value
3. 下列哪一项不能用来衡量商业价值?
A. 客户满意度
B. 收入增长
C. 市场份额
D. 预期的货币价值
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