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    • 沈阳PMP考试报名培训班|模拟试题分享

  • 发布时间:2019-10-08 14:19:35  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:思摩特沈阳PMP考试报名培训班模拟试题分享



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    1. A contractor is currently constructing a new building for your organization on a cost-plus-incentive contract. You just received the project status report from the contractor’s project manager. According to the report, the project’s CPI is 1.5. You are shocked because you believe the project costs are out of control. Upon investigation, you learn the $1 million advance payment (20 percent of the estimated project cost) given to the contractor at the start of the project was included in the project’s earned value. Further, the cost of the inventory at the project site was excluded from the total actual costs. According to the contract, your company reimburses only the costs for the completed deliverables and not for the supplies in the project’s inventory. In this scenario, the reported project’s CPI is incorrect because: 

    A. Actual cost is understated. 

    B. Earned value is overstated, and actual cost is understated. 

    C. Earned value is overstated. 

    D. Both the earned value and the actual cost are overstated. 

    1. 承包商目前正根据成本加激励合同为你的组织建设一幢新的大楼。你刚刚从承包商的项目经理那里收到项目状态报告。根据该报告,该项目的CPI为1.5。你感到震惊,因为你认为项目成本失控了。经调查,你得知项目开始时向承包商支付的100万美元预付款(预计项目成本的20%)被包括在项目的挣值中。此外,在项目现场的库存成本被排除在总实际成本之外。根据合同,贵公司只报销已完成的交付物的费用,而不报销项目库存中的物料。在这种场景中,项目的CPI是错误的,因为:( )。

    A. 实际成本被低估

    B. 挣值被高估,并且实际成本被低估

    C. 挣值被高估

    D. 挣值和实际成本都被高估


    2. A RACI chart is an example of a ( ).

    A. Network 

    B. Flowchart 

    C. Responsibility assignment matrix 

    D. Hierarchical-type organization chart 

    2. RACI图是一个( )的例子。

    A. 网络

    B. 流程图

    C. 责任分配矩阵RAM

    D. 层级型组织图


    3. If a project manager believes that a particular subcontract needs to be terminated, which of the following can provide guidance on the contract termination procedure? 

    A. The contract termination procedures in the organizational process assets 

    B. The termination clause of the specific subcontract 

    C. The change control procedures in the project management plan 

    D. The contract termination procedures in the project procurements management plan 

    3. 如果一个项目经理认为一个特定的分包合同需要终止,下列哪一个可以为合同终止程序提供指导?

    A. 组织过程资产中合同终止程序

    B. 具体分包合同的终止条款

    C. 项目管理计划中的变更控制程序

    D. 项目采购管理计划中的合同终止程序




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