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1. Mary is managing an organizational transformation project. The nature of the project would require responding to high levels of change and would also require continuous stakeholder engagement. Which of the project lifecycles should be chosen for this project?
A. Predictive life cycle
B. Plan-driven life cycle
C. Waterfall life cycle
D. Adaptive life cycle
1. 玛丽正在管理一个组织变更项目。项目的性质需要应对高层级的变更和持续的相关方参与。这个项目应该选择哪种项目生命周期?
A. 预测生命周期
B. 计划驱动的生命周期
C. 瀑布生命周期
D. 适应型生命周期
2. While developing your project schedule, you have asked everyone to provide a list of planned vacations over the next three months, and you have applied this information to the tasks that each person is responsible for. What also needs updating?
A. Resource Calendars
B. Leads
C. Schedule Variances
D. Lags
2. 在制定你的项目进度计划时,你已经要求每个人在接下来的三个月里提供一个计划的假期清单,并且你将这些信息应用到每个负责人的任务中。还需要更新什么?
A. 资源日历
B. 提前量
C. 进度差异
D. 滞后量
3. Which of the following tools give a visual representation of an organization’s data, described in business language that is independent f any specific technology?
A. Matrix diagrams
B. Mind maps
C. Flow charts
D. Logical data model
3. 下列哪一种工具提供了组织数据的可视化表示,用业务语言描述,独立于任何特定的技术?
A. 矩阵图
B. 思维导图
C. 流程图
D. 逻辑数据模型
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