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    • 昆明ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题

  • 发布时间:2021-02-07 14:05:59  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
  • 编辑导读:本文为大家介绍的是昆明ACP培训官方授权报名机构模拟题,下面是关于昆明ACP授权培训机构的具体内容,供大家参考,更多昆明ACP考试相关资讯可关注思摩项目管理


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    1.At the end of each iteration, the agile team member responsible for the test report does not have enough time to ensure the quality of the deliverable. What should agile project managers do?

    1. A. Reduce the speed of upstream deliverable to ensure team members work at the same time
    2. B. Alternate iterations, focusing first on development and then on quality
    3. C. Reduce the number of developers and ensure enough time for testing
    4. D. Break down the work into smaller user stories for testing throughout the iteration


    1. A、降低上游可交付成果的速度,以确保团队成员同时工作
    2. B、交替迭代,首先关注开发,然后关注质量
    3. C、减少开发人员数量,确保有足够的时间进行测试
    4. D、将工作分解为较小的用户故事,以便在整个迭代过程中进行测试


    2.After the sprint review of the project, the team members pointed out that it was a complaint meeting, not very effective. What should scrum executives do?

    1. A. It is recommended that the team respect the Agile Manifesto principles and explain that they are part of the retrospective
    2. B. Team members are advised to include their observations in the product to-do list, which can then be added to the user story
    3. C. The team is advised to follow the spirit of the sprint retrospective and make both positive and negative comments
    4. D. Implementing a more team friendly alternative to promoting sprint Reviews

    在项目的 Sprint 回顾会后,团队成员指出那是抱怨会,不是非常有成效。Scrum 主管应该怎么做?

    1. A、建议团队尊重敏捷宣言原则,解释其属于回顾会的组成部分
    2. B、建议团队成员将他们的观察列入产品待办事项,进而可以添加进用户故事中
    3. C、建议团队遵守 Sprint 回顾会精神,做出正面和负面评论
    4. D、实施更适合团队的促进 Sprint 回顾会替代方法


    3.In scurm project, which of the following tools is used to track planned work items?

    1. A. Sprint to do list
    2. B. Issue of burn out diagram
    3. C. Product to do
    4. D. Sprint burn out chart

    在 Scurm 项目中,采用下列哪种工具来追踪计划的工作项?

    1. A、Sprint 待办事项
    2. B、发布燃尽图
    3. C、产品待办事项
    4. D、Sprint 燃尽图



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