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1. The output of the Validate Scope process is accepted deliverables that are formally signed off by the stakeholders. The stakeholders, on some projects, can get involved with the project as early as:
A. During the project initiation
B. During the project planning
C. During the project execution
D. During the project monitoring & controlling
1. 确认范围过程的输出是验收的相关方签字的可交付成果,在一些项目上,相关方最早在什么时候就可以参与项目()?
A. 在项目启动期间
B. 在项目规划期间
C. 在项目执行期间
D. 在项目监控期间
2. If you are creating a new WBS for your project, what should you do to save time during the creation process?
A. Delegate the WBS creation since it is not an important process.
B. Skip the WBS process.
C. Use a previous WBS from a similar project as a template.
D. Create a less detailed WBS.
2. 如果你正在为你的项目创建WBS,你应该在创建过程中做什么来节约时间?
A. 将WBS创建委托给别人,因为这个过程不重要
B. 跳过创建WBS过程
C. 使用以往相似项目的WBS作为模板
D. 创建一个粗略的WBS
3. The technique most commonly used by project management software packages to construct a project schedule model is:
A. Precedence diagramming method (PDM)
B. Finish-to-Start (FS)
C. Activity-In-Node (AIN)
D. Node-On-Activity (NOA)
3. 创建项目进度模型时,被项目管理软件使用最普遍的技术是( )?
A. 紧前关系法PDM
B. 完成-结束FS
C. 活动在节点里(AIN)
D. 节点在活动上(NOA)
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