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1.Which of the following occurs when the whole team works in a centralized way with crystal clear?
- A. A way to make the whole team communicate more effectively
- B. Team dynamics of formation, shock, standardization and Implementation
- C. Synchronize daily habits and routines
- D. Timely and penetrating communication
整个团队以 CrystalClear 法集中办公时,会发生下列哪一项?
- A、一种让整个团队更有效沟通的方法
- B、组建、震荡、规范和执行的团队动态
- C、同步日常生活习惯和例程
- D、及时、渗透式沟通
2.At the review meeting, the burn out diagram showed that the project was slightly behind schedule. The project team recognized that it was an inexperienced software engineer that caused the team to slow down. How should the project team solve this problem?
- A. Pairing is recommended at the review meeting
- B. Ask product owners to prioritize user stories at the next review meeting
- C. At the next iteration planning meeting, work with team members to reevaluate story points
- D. At the next iteration planning meeting, less complex user stories are assigned to inexperienced software engineers
- A、在回顾会上建议结对编程
- B、要求产品负责人在下一次回顾会上重新排列用户故事的优先顺序
- C、在下一次迭代计划会议上,与团队成员一起重新估算故事点
- D、在下一次迭代计划会议上,将较不复杂的用户故事分配给经验不足的软件工程师
3.Agile teams are working on a project in a highly regulated organization. The graph team is using an iterative approach, but needs to follow organization specific guidelines
It's a process of change. How should agile management professionals adopt these organizational process planning releases?
- A. To deliver the project, work within the limits of the organizational process
- B. Insist that the organization adopt an iterative delivery approach
- C. Consult agile mentors on how to plan the release process
- D. Advise the organization not to adopt agile processes
- A、为了交付项目,在组织过程的限制下工作
- B、坚持让该组织采用一种迭代交付的方法
- C、咨询敏捷导师,如何规划发布过程
- D、向该组织建议不采用敏捷过程
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