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    • 常州PMP考试认证|在线模拟题1

  • 发布时间:2019-09-24 16:34:58  来源:思摩特 www.smartpm.com.cn  浏览量:0
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    1. Which of the following may help in ensuring that certain bidders in the procurement process do not receive preferential treatment and that all prospective sellers have a clear and common understanding of the procurement?

    A. Use of weighted criteria 

    B. Use of screening techniques 

    C. Use of bidder conferences 

    D. Use of expert judgment 

    1. 以下哪一项可能有助于确保在采购过程中某些投标人没有得到优惠待遇,并且所有潜在的卖方对采购有清楚且一致的理解?

    A. 使用加权标准

    B. 使用筛选技术

    C. 使用投标人会议

    D. 使用专家判断


    2. You are managing a complex software development project for an external customer. You are using the waterfall approach to manage the project in line with the contractual requirements. However, you are not comfortable with this approach. You believe that customers don’t really know what they want upfront; rather, what they want emerges out of repeated two-way interactions over the course of the project. In your current situation, the waterfall approach has its emphasis on upfront requirements capture and design, followed by product development and finally the system testing. The customer will only be involved during the requirements gathering and system testing stages and will be completely out of touch during the development activities. Which of the following can help you mitigate the risk created by the waterfall approach: 

    A. Adopt an iterative life cycle. 

    B. Divide the project into multiple phases and organize phase gates. 

    C. Adopt an incremental life cycle. 

    D. Adopt a hybrid life cycle. 

    2. 你正在为外部客户管理一个复杂的软件开发项目。根据合同要求,你正在使用瀑布方法来管理项目。然而,你对这种方法并不满意。你相信客户并不真正知道他们想要的是什么;相反,他们想要的是在项目的过程中重复的双向交互。在这种情况下,瀑布方法强调了前期需求的捕获和设计,接着是产品开发,最后是系统测试。客户只会参与需求收集和系统测试阶段,在开发活动期间将完全失去联系。以下哪项可以帮助你减轻瀑布方法所带来的风险:

    A. 采用迭代的生命周期

    B. 将项目分成多个阶段,并设计阶段关口

    C. 采用增量的生命周期

    D. 采用混合生命周期


    3. The methods used to transfer information among project stakeholders may vary significantly. A project team may apply different techniques and communication technologies to ensure effective and efficient communications. Which of the following must not be a factor to consider while choosing a communication technology? 

    A. Urgency of the need for information 

    B. Cheapest available technology 

    C. Availability of technology 

    D. Ease of use of technology 

    3. 用于在项目相关方之间传递信息的方法可能有很大差异。一个项目团队可以应用不同的技术和沟通技术来确保有效果和有效率的沟通。在选择沟通技术时,下列哪项不应该成为考虑因素?

    A. 需要信息的迫切性

    B. 最便宜的可用技术

    C. 技术的可用性

    D. 技术易于使用




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