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Why is the PMP Exam changing?
Every 3 - 5 years, we conduct research to understand how the profession has progressed, the impact of emerging trends, and how the responsibilities of product managers have changed. The last research was conducted in 2015 and resulted in the current PMP® Exam Content Outline .
每隔3 - 5年,我们都会进行研究,以了解专业如何发展,新兴趋势如何影响,以及产品经理的责任发生何种变化。最新的研究于2015年进行,并总结成目前的PMP®考试内容大纲。
Subject Matter Experts from leading organizations from around the world are currently working with us to define the PMP of the future. As this effort continues, we will share information here to keep you informed - whether you are thinking about earning the PMP or preparing to take the exam soon.
来自世界各地的各个行业先锋专家目前正与我们合作,以重新定义未来的PMP。随着这项工作的进展,我们将随时分享信息以便让您获取最新资讯 - 无论您是在考虑取得PMP认证,还是打算再等一等。
New Exam Content Outline coming in June
The Exam Content Outline provides the framework of what you can expect on the PMP Exam. A new version will be available in June to help you determine when to schedule your exam and how to prepare. To find information about the current exam, check out the most up-to-date Exam Content Outline.
15 December 2019 will be the last day to take the current version of the exam
A few things to keep in mind, depending how far you are on your path to the PMP:
Schedule your exam early.
This will allow you to select thedate and location that will work best with your schedule. Every project has adeadline - once you have your exam date, you can adjust your preparation tofeel confident and ready to take the exam. Most people reserve theirexam date 3 months in advance.
这样您就可以选择最适合您日程安排的日期和地点。每期考试都有截止日期 - 一旦您确定下考试的日期,您就可以调整您的准备工作,以确立信心并在有准备的条件下参加考试。对于大多数人,我们建议提前3个月确定考试日期。
Pay for your exam promptly.
You can only schedule your examafter you've paid for it.
Allow yourself enough time.
Make sure you are able to follow the PMPtimeline:
* Onceyou open the application, you have 90 days to complete and submit it.
* Youhave one year from the date of your application approval to pass the exam.Sometimes, more than one attempt is necessary so be sure to leave enough timeto re-take the exam before your eligibility expires (one year after yourapplication is approved).
* 建立考试申请后,您有90天的时间来完成并提交申请。
* 从申请获得批准之日起,您有一年的时间通过考试。有时,出于个人原因,有些人有可能不得不以重试形式通过考试,因此请确保在您已申请的资格到期之前(申请并获得认可后一年)留出足够的时间学习并进行重考。
Did You Know?
Questions on the PMP exam are developed by project practitioners from all around the world who work together to ensure the exam accurately reflects the profession. Right now, they are working to update the exam in December.
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